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Charlotte Chapple

Stephan Bull Photography

Chapter 5 Snapshots Review

For this review I will consider what I believe to be the key points in the chapter which explores ‘Snapshots’.

The opening segment of this chapter introduces the topics that will be covered in the chapter which are shown on the contents page as being split into 6 sub-chapters that explores everything from ‘Private snapshots: the silent majority of photography’ to ‘Digital snapshots: screens and performance’. One of the main things I like about this chapter is the division into sub-chapters acts as a guidefor the reader and itframesthe author’s way of thinking about the subject. This makes the chapter much easier to read and understand as all the key points are explored in depth whilst being divided to prevent the information from being to overbearing.

Sub-chapter ‘The nature of snapshots: the snapshooters eye’ for me was one of the most interesting and appealing segments of this chapter. Bull talks about how a snapshot photo can be distinguished from a more composed photo. He uses Graham King’s (formersenior marketing manager with News International) explanation of the recurring characteristics of snapshots. I found thebullet pointlistformatvery appealing as it broke up the otherwise block text and made the key information stand out as well as making the text much easierto read. Within this sub-chapter, Bull also uses lots of references to other authors and photographers views to help form arguments and discussions around snapshot photography which made this chapter very engaging as it makes the reader question our views on what a ‘snapshot’ photo is and what it represents.

Other key aspects and notes I made on this chapter include:

  • “No-one ever takes a photograph of something they want to forget” One Hour Photo

  • Instagram is starting to pick up some of the categories that Dave Kenyon says are usually missed out.

  • People tend to take the same snapshots and they tend to be limited to the positive.

  • Richard Chalfen – the decisive 30 seconds – reference to Henri Cartier-Bresson’s idea of the ‘the decisive moment’.

  • A snapshot is not a true representation, how can it be? – Selective snapshot version of life

  • Kodak culture – the company shaped what, where and who we photograph.

I highly enjoyed reading this chapter of the book and found the factual yet informative writing style very appealing and engaging.

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